Erectile dysfunction is a disease of the penis that can be influenced by many factors, both physical and psychological. It is a disease that does not allow you to harden your penis and have sex.
There are certainly independent factors. In this article we will find out what is the missing link between erectile dysfunction and dehydration.
We will also learn how regular consumption of plain water can help prevent the development of erectile dysfunction.Let’s see…
Can dehydration cause erectile dysfunction?
Some limited research has been conducted to determine the role of dehydration in the development of erectile dysfunction. Scientists and researchers have found the missing links that provide sufficient evidence from animal experiments.
According to the results of the analysis, there may be signs of temporary erectile dysfunction if not drinking enough water.
Dehydration can actually cause problems for a man, not achieving the required hardness or not getting an erection at all.
If you don’t drink water normally, your body naturally becomes dehydrated, which leads to dehydration.
Dehydration can cause brain Sildenafil dysfunction and not induce sexual feelings. Dehydration also lowers blood pressure because the water level is below the required level.
It can also narrow the arteries and now contributes to good blood circulation which is a key element in gaining penis hardness.
Which elements can be disabled so that you suffer from erectile dysfunction?
As previously mentioned, there are three critical factors to consider when it comes to dehydration and erectile dysfunction. In this section we’ll take a closer look at them…
Abnormal Brain Function
Not drinking enough water leads to abnormal brain function. As you’ve probably seen, the most common effects of dehydration are dizziness or a mild headache.
You see, the low water level doesn’t allow the brain to reason or think logically. Instead, your brain cells and neurotransmitters are busy performing important vital activities.
When your friend is dehydrated, your body goes into survival mode and your brain cells are engaged in minimal metabolic activity to ensure your survival.
Because sex is not a basic survival activity, your brain cells will not allow you to think about sex or to generate feelings of pleasure or an inner desire for sex.
Certainly there will not even be hardening of the penis since blood flow to the penis will never increase.
Lowering Blood Pressure
Your blood pressure may drop because your blood loses water through evaporation through sweating. In a dehydrated person, blood plasma is lower because the blood loses its ability to hold water due to the constant water-consuming metabolic processes.
Due to the slight thickening of the blood plasma, its viscosity increases. This means that the blood does not flow through the blood vessels as easily as it should. This leads to inefficient blood flow to the penis, resulting in a complete lack of erection.
Narrowing of the arteries
Nerve cells, especially smaller and finer arteries, can also leak water, which also leads to a narrowing. Blood vessels collapse or constrict, which also reduces blood flow to the penis when dehydrated.
If you suffer from dehydration, the symptoms are not difficult to recognize. In the next section, you will learn what the most common symptoms of dehydration are. But first, we’ll tell you a general remedy that will allow you to temporarily harden your penis.This is done with tablets like Cenforce 200, Cenforce 100 and Vidalista 20.
What are the symptoms of dehydration?
The signs of dehydration are certainly not difficult to spot. In this section we briefly explain the symptoms of mild and severe dehydration.
Let’s get started…
Symptoms of mild or temporary depression include a mild headache, dry mouth, thirst, dizziness, and tiredness.
In general, mild dehydration can be treated within minutes of rehydration with water alone.
Symptoms of severe dehydration include severe headache, blurred vision, confusion, inability to think and remember properly, fainting, severe dizziness, pale face, peeling skin, cracked skin with bleeding, and extreme tiredness, which can also lead to Difficulty moving the limbs.
In general, giving water is not a good solution. A person with severe dehydration has very low levels of electrolytes in certain micronutrients, such as potassium and magnesium.
This causes extreme tiredness or fainting.Such a person needs an oral rehydration solution that is administered orally. Sometimes the muscles in the mouth, neck and limbs are involuntarily under control or feel numb.
A person suffering from severe dehydration will even have difficulty swallowing water in the throat. In these cases, the person needs medical attention and is given salt water.
Cures for erectile dysfunction due to dehydration…
In general, penile hardening difficulties due to dehydration are temporary.You must immediately provide for water supply and hydration. Again, it may take time and stronger erections may not occur immediately.
In general, after the body is rehydrated, the body recovers from water loss within one to two hours, and the metabolic processes return to normal.