Can Erectile Dysfunction Be Caused by Porn?

With medical professionals claiming that porn use can cause erectile dysfunction, much attention has been paid to the link between porn use and erectile dysfunction. Porn can be therapeutic, especially for those who are afraid of sex. On the other hand, watching together can increase intimacy in relationships. However, a new study published on July 16, 2020 warns that watching videos for a long  time can lead to erectile dysfunction and other health problems, and that men’s ability to get and maintain an  erection can ultimately deteriorate.

 porn: good or bad?

 Although no study has conclusively established whether viewing pornography is healthy or harmful, it is an issue worth investigating.

 According to a  study on pornography published in JAMA Psychiatry, pornography is associated with erectile dysfunction and  low levels of gray matter in certain reward-sensitive areas of the brain. On the other hand, heavy usage can also reduce sensitivity and feelings towards erotic media.

 Another study by Physiology Today shows that frequent viewing of pornography can distract from sexual activity. This means that in real life, some articles that pique a person’s interest online may not necessarily be the same.Hence, porn-induced erectile dysfunction can occur.

 Porn increases risk of erectile dysfunction

 They combined this information with reports of erectile dysfunction and found that people under  35 watched  about 300 minutes of porn per week. In addition, around 30% of them suffered from erectile dysfunction. Only 10% of people who watched porn for less than 30 minutes suffered from erectile dysfunction. Therefore, it is true that prolonged  viewing of pornography can lead to erectile dysfunction.

 How can this be avoided?

 Is erectile dysfunction or pornographic behavior therapeutic or curable? Well, it can be very difficult to break the cycle. However, you can stop it in a number of ways.

 Consider quitting pornography.

 Stay away from pornography for a few days and then see what happens. According to experts, it can help you build healthy sexual relationships.It has been observed that most viewers prefer not to meet or date other people. They might start expressing interest in someone else if they can stop.

 2. Take medication.

3. Use

 porn blocker. If your partner has this problem, you need to  use a strong password on your computer. Also, you can block all websites with sexual content with porn blocking software.

 4. Think about the consequences of your actions.

 As you watch more porn, you may lose less interest in dating or  your spouse. Also, it can damage your relationship and undermine your self-esteem. Consider all of these factors to convince yourself  to stop watching pornography.

 5. Consult professionals

 To solve this problem, you can also consult  a qualified and experienced sex therapist.They will use various therapeutic techniques to help you regain  lost confidence.

 Pornography Addiction  and Erectile Dysfunction

 The researchers also looked at the association between pornography use and erectile dysfunction as part of the study. You have found a strong bond. While there is some disagreement among professionals as to whether pornography is truly addictive, most agree that excessive  consumption of pornography can have many harmful effects.

 They used eleven questions about cyber pornography addiction  to define this addiction.A group of participants under the age of 35 was shown to have significant rates of porn addiction  and  almost 45% of them suffered from erectile dysfunction.

 Treatment alternatives

 Depending on the  causes of erectile dysfunction or sexual dysfunction, the optimal type of treatment is selected. If you suffer from performance anxiety, muscle relaxants, therapy, and finding a suitable partner can all help. On the other hand, when mental health issues arise, some people might find that porn helps stimulate the desired sex drive. Other treatments include:

 • Penile implants

 • In order to achieve a strong erection, the penis forces blood into the penile chamber.

 • Prostate surgery to correct an anatomical problem or dysfunction.

 If you have erection problems, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Excessive consumption of pornography can be the cause.However, if you make an effort, it can help you develop your sex drive and a healthy sex life. The disease is treatable, which is good. Your doctor can recommend an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction. After learning about the health benefits of sex, you may prefer to spend more time with your spouse  than watch porn.

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