Erectile Dysfunction : The Relation among Erectile Dysfunction And Age

; Psychological causes are often associated with physical or functional causes of erectile dysfunction.

 Erectile dysfunction typically triggers significant psychological and emotional responses in most men.This is often described as low self-esteem, a surge of anxiety and stress that can further impair normal sexual performance. This “efficacy problem” should be recognized and corrected by your doctor.

 At what age does erectile dysfunction begin?

 There is no exact age at which the penis stops functioning and erections stop occurring. And  erectile dysfunction is also common; Not all men will have this problem.

 However, in a similar study cited above, a majority (64%) of men aged 80 to 90 rated their sexual functioning as “poor” (15%) or “very poor” (49%). Only 10% of men over  80 rated it as “good” (8%) or “very good” (2%).

 On the other hand, the proportions are reversed when we look at the silhouettes of younger men. In the survey, the vast majority (74%) of respondents aged 53-59 rated their sexual functioning  as “good” (30%) or “very good” (44%).

 So it appears that sexual dysfunction changes significantly more frequently between the ages of 60 and 80.

 People’s grief over psychogenic erectile dysfunction may benefit from psychotherapy, erectile dysfunction treatment, or a combination of both. Drugs used to treat mental health problems can also lead to erectile dysfunction. However, it is best to consult  your doctor before stopping any medication.

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