The Top 6 Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in Men

Erectile dysfunction is a type of disorder where the  side effects are also harmful.

 Doctors around the world agree that erectile dysfunction should not be classified as a disease like typhoid or malaria. On the other hand, erectile dysfunction can be a symptom of more serious problems in the future.

 Causes of Erectile Dysfunction


 More than a million people die each year from asthma and cancer from smoking. However, as more and more young people become addicted to tobacco, the number of smokers continues to rise.

 The organs are deprived of oxygen and blood, rendering them ineffective.Therefore, when a person is sexually stimulated, not enough blood gets to the penis, resulting in a bad erection.

 Excessive drinking

 A drinking problem only occurs when the limit values ​​are exceeded. Alternatively, small amounts of alcohol can help relieve stress and tension.

 However, if consumed in excess, it damages the nervous system. The organs are no longer controlled by the brain.Enzyme secretion is impeded and blood flow is impeded.

 In these cases, despite sexual arousal, all the important blood channels are blocked, which leads to an absent erection.

 Type 2 diabetes

 Blood sugar is not transported into cells due to low insulin levels. This causes blood sugar to rise to the point that urine becomes sweet.

 Diabetes or diabetes  is the medical term for this disease. It cannot be 100% cured and can only be controlled by monitoring sugar levels.

 Blood cannot reach the penis in sufficient quantity due to high blood sugar levels, since blood is no longer just blood but a mixture of sugar and blood.

 Fast Food Consumption

 One reason to use Pharmacy247carE’s Fildena, Cenforce and Vidalista products is to avoid unhealthy meals.

 Fast food contains high levels of harmful cholesterol.The body needs good cholesterol in the form of fat. Bad cholesterol, on the other hand, clogs the openings in the arteries that supply blood to the organs.

 This causes blood to rush out of the organs, causing the heart to pump faster to compensate, increasing blood pressure and causing hypertension.

 An erection is then impossible due to a lack of blood in the organs, including the penis. When cholesterol levels are higher than normal, it is called obesity.


 When a person has mental health problems, they are less likely to seek sexual pressure. The reason lies in the basic logic: in order to develop a libido, one must be free of tension and anxiety; otherwise you will not be enthusiastic.

 When someone is depressed, they may get angry when talking to strangers and wish they were alone. Such a person would never think of intercourse. Therefore, before treating erectile dysfunction, doctors perform a depression test on the patient.


 Another contributing factor  to erectile dysfunction is  penile injuries.

 As we all know, the blood flow  in the penis leads to the erection of the penis. If the area around the penis  as well as the blood vessels are severely damaged, blood flow can be severely impaired.

 If the damage is not severe, resort to medication and surgery, but in the most severe cases, the person becomes a permanent patient in the emergency room.

 It’s more likely that we’ll make a deal with ED.

 A patient in the emergency department is particularly vulnerable to mental illness such as depression. In our society, the emergency room patient is often mocked and laughed at. This approach undermines the patient’s self-esteem and self-confidence and makes them feel worthless.

 This creates mental disorders that ultimately lead to depression.

 Meditate and practice yoga for at least 30 minutes a day to avoid dark thoughts.

 Treat erectile dysfunction like any other medical condition, not something that makes you less manly. Such thoughts are the main cause of unhappiness in their lives.

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